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Drop Off

This is a great place to tell your story and give people more insight into who you are, what you do, and why it’s all about you.

In October 2019, Thrive is opening a thrift store in Denver, Colorado, called Thrift to Thrive. Recognizing the shortage of employment opportunities for people with disabilities,  Denise Belk founded Thrift to Thrive as a way to offer competitive, integrated employment for individuals with IDD. Not only will Thrift to Thrive pay our employees with disabilities a fair wage, but we will also provide them with professional development training,  advancement opportunities, and abuse prevention education.


Thrift to Thrive positively impacts the Denver community by providing affordable goods, providing people with IDD meaningful employment, and generating a steady flow of income into Thrive to increase our capacity to provide critical programs to support people with IDD.


Donations of clothing, home goods, furniture, toys, books and more are encouraged and greatly appreciated. Donations are tax-deductible and proceeds from sales contribute greatly towards Thrive's programs and services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in our community. If you would like to volunteer for and with people with disabilities at Thrift to Thrive, please fill out a volunteer application on our Get Involved page! We would be thrilled to have you!










By shopping at our thrift store, you are supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to not just survive but THRIVE.




Donate gently used furniture, home goods, clothing, toys, and more by scheduling a pick-up.
Donation Pick Up
Drop Off

7250 W. 44th Ave,

Wheatridge, CO


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